Our team


Daniel Zaclis

Holds Master's and PhD degrees in Criminal Procedural Law at USP (University of São Paulo) as well as an expert degree in Economic Criminal Law at São Paulo's Law School of FGV (GVLaw).

Daniel has extensive experience and highly specialized work in issues related to tax crimes, having worked on numerous recent cases relating to innovative topics in this field, such as the discussion of criminalization of non-payment of ICMS, issues involving undue tax credit, and the most various frauds committed against the tax system.

In recent years, he has accumulated unique experience in conducting internal corporate investigations for companies, having led the firm team in several cases of relevant repercussion.

He is the author of several scientific articles on Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure, and a member of the Brazilian Institute of Criminal Sciences (IBCCrim) and the Institute for the Defense of the Right to Defense (IDDD).

Helena Lobo da Costa

Associate Professor, holds PhD and Master's degrees in Criminal Law at USP (University of São Paulo).

Helena has extensive experience in highly complex cases, having worked in large financial, tax, money laundering and corruption crime operations. Based on her doctoral thesis, she has also specialized in environmental Criminal Law cases. She perfectly combines in-depth academic knowledge and agility for practical solutions to criminal problems.

She was a researcher at the University of Frankfurt and the Max-Planck Institute for Foreign and International Criminal Law. Author of the works “Human dignity and theories of positive general prevention” and “Environmental Criminal Protection”, as well as several legal articles, she is also a counselor at the Institute for the Defense of the Right to Defense (IDDD) and member of the Brazilian Institute of Criminal Sciences (IBCCrim).

Marina Coelho Araújo

PhD in Criminal Law at USP (University of São Paulo) expert in Economic Criminal Law from University of Coimbra. She was President of the Brazilian Institute of Criminal Sciences (IBCCrim) in the 2021/2022 biennium. Vice-President of the São Paulo Lawyers Institute (IASP) for 2025/2028 triennium.

Marina has extensive experience in litigation law, working for over 20 years in the country's main operations. She has also participated in a team that structured the work in repetitive litigation in a large national financial institution, which brought experience of national and agile action, with the necessary technology.

Furthermore, over the last ten years she has worked in developing and implementing compliance programs in Brazilian companies, leading the firm team in all phases of these processes, from diagnosis to employee training.

She currently acts as a Counselor at OAB-SP's Prerogatives Commission, and is a member of the Institute for the Defense of the Right to Defense (IDDD), acting as coordinator of one of the Jury Project's groups.

Professor at INSPER, she was a researcher at University of Munich between 2003 and 2004, and at New York University (NYU) in 2012.

Winner of the "Márcio Thomas Bastos Award" in 2017 from IDDD.

Daniel Gerstler

Holds a master’s degree in criminal law at University of São Paulo (USP), as well as an expert degree in Economic Criminal Law at São Paulo’s Law School of FGV (GVLaw). Advisor to the Ethics and Disciplinary Court of the Brazilian Bar Association. Coordinator of the Rights and Prerogatives Commission of the Brazilian Bar Association.

Author of articles published in the “Revista dos Tribunais”, in the IBCCrim Journal, as well as in the RDPEC. Member of the Advisory Board of the Brazil-Israel Institute.


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Lawyer. Bachelor of Laws at USP. Specialist in Compliance at the University of Coimbra. Member of IBCCrim and IDDD.


Lawyer. Bachelor of Laws and Business Administration student at USP. Specialist in Compliance at the University of Coimbra. Member of IBCCrim.
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Roesner Sin

Lawyer. Bachelor of Laws at Mackenzie. Specialist in Criminal Law and Criminology at PUC-RS. Attended an extension course at PUC-SP on criminal procedure in corporate crimes. Member of IBCCrim.




Lawyer. Master’s student in Criminal Law at USP. Member of the Brazilian Institute of Criminal Sciences (IBCCrim). Member of the Institute for the Defense of Defense Rights (IDDD).

Giovanna Domingues Capelloto

Lawyer. Bachelor of Laws at FAAP. Postgraduate student in Law and Criminal Procedure at Mackenzie and member of IBCCrim.